Phytochemical and Essential Oil Quantification of the Aerial Parts of Commelina diffusa
ABSTRACT There are numerous medicinal plants in Southern and Eastern Nigeria, which are widely exploited in the Nigerian traditional system ...
ABSTRACT There are numerous medicinal plants in Southern and Eastern Nigeria, which are widely exploited in the Nigerian traditional system ...
ABSTRACT The phytochemical properties of the ethanolic leaves extract of Tetracarpidium conophorum and its antidiabetic properties on alloxan-induced diabetic albino ...
ABSTRACT From time immemorial fruits have always played a major role in Human nutrition, in addition to playing a crucial ...
ABSTRACT In the recent time there is an increase in the use of medicinal plants for treatment of ailments. This ...
ABSTRACT In recent decades, a lot of interest in pharmaceutical industries to focus on ‘Phytochemicals’ and healthcare sectors to concentrate ...
ABSTRACT The Culex mosquito-transmitted dengue virus (DENV) under genus Flavivirus, a member of Flaviviridae family, cause dengue fever worldwide also ...
ABSTRACT The present study of phytochemical screening has revealed valuable information about the chemical constituents of Nothapodytes foetida. Phytochemical analysis ...
ABSTRACT Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Excell (Euphobiaceae) is a popular member of genus “Phyllanthus” in Africa. The use of herbal remedies ...
ABSTRACT Maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is one of the major pests infesting stored grains worldwide. This research work ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated extract of sweet potato leaf as green corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution. ...
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