Macrozoobenthos Community Structure in Cikidang River Pangandaran District, West Java Province, Indonesia
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe the macrozoobenthos community in the Cikidang River, Pangandaran. The study was...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe the macrozoobenthos community in the Cikidang River, Pangandaran. The study was...
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the effects of public expenditure thresholds on the sectoral contribution to GDP growth with particular emphasis...
ABSTRACT A four-step predictor-corrector method with a higher derivative is presented for the direct solution of second-order initial value problems...
ABSTRACT One of the developing countries plagued by significant health issues is Nigeria. The aforementioned circumstance inspired the researchers to...
ABSTRACT Although the double body image of the Holy Shroud (HS) is still today inexplicable and even less reproducible, various...
ABSTRACT Phytoremediation, which is the use of water-loving plants, proposed over 300 years ago has gained explicit acceptance as a...
ABSTRACT Remote sensing technology is seen as a very effective and efficient way of monitoring and mapping the earth's surface....
ABSTRACT The variations of soil and air temperature during Total solar eclipse of 29th March 2006 were investigated using the...
ABSTRACT This paper investigates the presence of long memory both in mean and volatility of Naira per Dollar exchange rate...
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study was to investigate whether tax revenue (Company Income Tax (CIT), Custom Excise Duties...
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