Improving the quality of human resources so that output products can meet the requirements of enterprises and the labor market is a top priority of universities. To achieve that goal, the university’s training activities need to be geared towards social needs, including business needs, and must be linked with businesses. At the same time, in order to achieve competitive efficiency, enterprises need to recruit quality human resources, ideally, human resources must be produced from universities. The article uses the method of collecting and synthesizing information, analyzing and evaluating in order to determine the relationship and cohesion in determining enrollment quotas and output conditions of students at universities. From there, associated with the corresponding job positions at the enterprises. This paper is the result of the Ministry of Science and Technology Project (Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training). Project title: ”Research on linkage model between universities and enterprises in training and human resource supply in Northern mountainous provinces’. Code B2022-TNA-04. Decision No. 2190 / QD-BGDDT dated June 30, 2021. The results of the study will help universities have more information to adjust training models and methods to meet the needs and expectations of enterprises.
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