The complex relationship between topography and precipitation in mountainous regions such as
Himalayas is evident from the pattern of rainfall distribution. The variation in precipitation with
altitude is controlled by mean height of clouds and decrease in water vapours with altitude. Spatially
distributed measurements of precipitation have gained renewed interest in connection with climate
change impact studies. Precipitation values are usually available from a limited number of gauge
stations and their spatial estimates can be obtained by interpolation techniques such as Inverse
Distance Weighted (IDW), Kriging and Spline. In the present study, precipitation-elevation
relationship can be established using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal
Emission and Reflection Radiometer-ASTER, 30m resolution), Spline interpolation technique in
Geographical Information System (GIS) environment and point data from various gauge stations
spread over the Satluj River Basin. Changes of spatial distribution of precipitation with elevation show
a distinct shift. Bhakra Dam (5854.60 mm) to Rampur (4451.10 mm), there is continuous variation in
rainfall with increase in altitude. But beyond Rampur, variation is very high. Swarghat shows
exceptional rainfall (8031.76 mm), may be due to position of mountains and their orographic effects.
Maximum rainfall was observed in the lower Himalayas i.e. Shiwalik range. Negligible rainfall was
observed beyond Kaza (470 mm), above the elevation of around 3756 m. The general trend of rainfall
exhibits that the lower and middle parts experience good rainfall whereas the upper part experiences
less rainfall. Such spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall with elevation provides an important
platform for hydrologic analysis, planning and management of water resources.
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