The complex solar radio burst type III is very related to generation of Coronal Mass Ejections
(CMEs). In a previous study, they deduced that the burst was produced by electron beams accelerated
in blast wave shocks and injected along open magnetic field lines, similar to the herringbone bursts at
metric wavelengths. Usually, if there is another solar flare recorded during complex solar radio burst
type III it should be type II burst. Different for this event, the single solar radio burst recorded occur 8
minutes 30 seconds before the complex solar radio burst type III. The Coronal Mass Ejections also
recorded occurred 7 hours before the single and complex solar radio burst type III. It is noted that
CMEs occurred several hours before this event recorded by the SOHO websites.It is proved that the
production of coronal mass ejection contributed to the production of complex solar radio burst type III.
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