In the conditions of today‟s expansion of English as the global language of international
communication, more and more adults who earlier completed their secondary or even higher education
start learning it anew at commercial language schools and centers the world over. However, the
pedagogy and methodology of teaching and learning at such schools and centers have not been
developed yet. The present article is an attempt of solving some theoretical and practical issues of
organizing such teaching and learning using as an example a pre-intermediate level course of English
developed by the author for his commercial language center in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. The way of
teaching and learning suggested in the article was developed to meet learners‟ expectations and, at the
same time, to be in full accordance with the latest achievements in organizing adult students‟ efficient
language acquisition. The developed approach was called the communicative-analytic one since, on
the one hand, it makes use of the best in communicative language learning for attainment of the final
goal of language education for adults – developing their English communicative competence. On the
other hand, the communicative approach is combined with learners‟ analysis, practicing, and
consciousness-raising as to separate language forms that students believe to be indispensable for
language acquisition. The fundamental feature of the course is the combination in the learning process
of the developed communicative-analytic approach with the highest level of communicative language
teaching – the experiential approach used for achieving the optimum learning outcomes in
communicative skills acquisition. The paper discusses the learning activities characterizing both
approaches and gives practical examples of such activities. The developed course is structured so as to
teach both written and oral communication in English in parallel and in an integrated manner, and
instances of such teaching are also given.
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