Corrosion, be it induced or influenced by microbial activities, brings about the loss of strength and quality of material. This study purposed to assess the potential of ethanolic extract of Cymbopogon citratus, Phyllanthus amarus and Dacryodes edulis to inhibit corrosion enhanced by acid producing bacteria. Plant extract was obtained by soaking dried mass of plant materials in ethanol for 48 hours. The phytochemical and functional groups present in the extract were detected using GC-MS and FTIR analyses respectively. Acid producing bacteria were obtained from produced water from Afam Oil field. Biocorrosion assay was carried out in phenol red dextrose broth tubes (multiple tubes fermentation technique) containing carbon steel in the presence and absence of ethanolic extracts of the three plants (CEE), in two separate 7-day and 14-day test design. Corrosion rate was determined by weight loss. Alkaloids, glycosides, phenol and tannins were detected in the CEE. FTIR absorption analysis of the CEE revealed presence of peaks corresponding to carbonyl, hydroxyl and alkane groups. The 7-day treatment results revealed that 80 mg/ml CCE had the highest inhibition efficiency (100%) at 30 °C while 5 mg/ml Leucine+20mg/ml CEE had the lowest IE (20.32%) at 40 °C. The 14-day treatment results revealed that 5 mg/ml Leucine + 20 mg/ml CEE had the highest inhibition efficiency (92.55%) at 30 °C while 40 mg/ml CEE had the lowest IE (46.33%) at 40 °C. Lower MPN values were observed at 20 °C and at 30 °C at the various concentrations for the 7 days treatment. However, Lower MPN values were observed at 30 °C and 40 °C respectively for the 14 days treatment. The extract contains chemicals that are able to control biocorrosion by their inhibitive action on bacterial growth.
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