Energy consumption is an essential part of life. The efficiency of energy consumption is fast becoming very important in our immediate environment today, hence the need for utilization monitoring, which remains a problem that requires urgent attention. Host of varieties of public events especially multipurpose halls are designed for comfort with diversities of electrical and electronic gadgets. The alarming rate of electrical energy consumption in these venues requires proper management. However, there are not many studies investigating energy consumption and monitoring in public arenas. A preliminary survey of interaction among public event center owners validates the experimental requirement of this work, which further reveled the complexity of energy management in public multipurpose event centers and the need for urgent attention. Poor monitoring of consumption results to inefficient usage of energy and increased energy costs. This work negates this problem to improve overall energy efficiency at reduced cost by providing a web-based energy consumption monitoring and control system – a framework that allows large scale property owners and managers to monitor and also control remotely their energy usage. The design and implementation of this web-based energy monitoring and control system utilizes an Arduino Microcontroller, voltage and current sensors, a Wi-Fi Module, a real-time-clock and relay card for its hardware components. A prototype that enables users to control the connected electronic devices remotely via the webpage was constructed upon completion of the system design via Proteus. Atmel Studio and Arduino IDE were used for the microcontroller programming. The codes for data sensing, measurement and processing are written in C++. The voltage and current values gotten from the sensors were processed by the microcontroller, the results are displayed via a webpage with 24-hours remote access for informed decision making. The system was evaluated using different load setup and the measured voltage values processed by the Arduino microcontroller, which are accessible through a webpage. A voltage tolerance range of 1.4% was obtained from these readings.
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