The three step model of high harmonic generation was used to investigate the electron
behaviour in a strong laser field. The electron propagation was analyzed classically and the electron
recombination with the parent atom was analyzed quantum mechanically. Three laser fields Argon
with 500 nm, Helium-Neon with 632.8 nm and Ti-Sapphire with 800 nm wavelengths were used to
analyze the electron behaviour for different intensities and the electron propagation was analyzed in
cosine and sine electric laser fields. For a strong applied laser field, the atomic potential get distorted
and the barrier potential is reduced. The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron, the
ponderomotive energy was 8Up in both cases and there were three points which gave the maximum
kinetic energy for the laser field with sine electric field. When the laser intensity was increasing, the
electron has a higher probability to move away from the parent atom. When the laser field changed its
direction, electron recombined with the parent atom with a maximum kinetic energy of 3.17U
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