The present investigation aim was to study the hematological and serum biochemical changes
under increased saline medium in the fresh water fish Notopterus notopterus. The fish was able to
thrive well in higher well in higher saline medium up to 0.16%. The exposure to saline medium was
for a period of one month. After the termination of exposure to saline medium, the fish blood was
collected and proceeded for hematological and serum biochemical studies. The result indicates that
there was no change in the blood glucose, urea, where as there was an increase in the blood protein,
triglycerides and cholesterol along with hemoglobin, RBC, WBC, creatinine, enzymes like SGPT,
SGOT, alkalinephosphatase. The blood electrolytes like sodium, potassium and calcium also increased
in experimental fishes.
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