This moving solar radio burst type IV, which lies in between 980 – 1260 MHZ was observed
using Compound Astronomical Low-Cost Low- Frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and
Transportable Observatory (CALLISTO) spectrometer and will discussed in detail. CALLISTO
system was used and the data were recorded. From BLEN5M’s Radio Flux Density data, it shown that
a brief description of the formation of a dynamic formation of solar radio burst type IV due to an
active region, AR 2403. This event proved that solar radio burst type IV has a broadband continuum
features and has strong pulsations in some range of time. In this event it was took about 8 minutes and
it can be high in possibility solar flare and CMEs event followed due to this event. AR 2403 remained
active and produced an X- class solar flares and it showed “Beta- Gamma-Delta” magnetic field that
gives solar flares which can make geo-effective disturbance to our earth satellite and we have to
investigate how plasma – magnetic field in the solar corona which can produce suprathermal electron
pulsation about 8 minutes. In this event, it has solar wind speed in 364.8 km/sec and solar wind
density in 11.0 protons/cm3
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