Oxygen is one of the limiting factors, so if its availability in the water is not sufficient for the needs of aquatic organisms, all the activities of the organisms will be hampered. In aquaponics systems, dissolved oxygen concentration is the most important water quality parameter to increase aquaculture productivity. This study aims to determine the development of oxygen supply technology and management of its application to the aquaponics system. Based on a literature study of the supply of oxygen for fish farming, there are several aeration technologies that can increase fish productivity and water quality in aquaponics systems. The technology is a modified airlift aeration pump, DFT aquaponics with a heron’s fountain pump and the latest technology for an aeration system using a fine bubble generator. The best results were obtained by an aquaponic system using FBs technology with a pressure of 5.5 atm as aeration with the highest dissolved oxygen concentration ranging from 7.72 to 8.1 mg/L with a specific growth rate of 7.24 ± 0.5% and a value of 7.24 ± 0.5%. NKP is 1.19 and survival is 98 – 100%. Although this technology involves a high capital investment, it can be balanced with the production of superior cultivated commodities in the aquaponics system.
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