Safety is very paramount to our development as a society. Wherever we find ourselves, we strive to ensure that the environment is safe and conducive for people to live productive lives. The importance of safety in the work place cannot be overestimated, especially in industries that employ the use of heavy machinery, fire, gas and electricity. Care has to be taken when working with these tools as a malfunction could result to loss of life and damage to property. Hence the need for an IOT based mechanism to monitor certain factors that can result to accidents in industrial areas is important. Fires in industries are a big cause for concern as it impinges on the safety of workers, those living in the vicinity of the installation and on the environment. This study proposes an affordable system that can monitor fire and gas around industries to prevent the occurrence of fire disaster. Also, mobile and IoT technologies were integrated into the design to activate an alarm to prevent hazardous fire incidents.
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