A preliminary correlation study of the solar burst type III with a type Iv solar burst of has been
made. On the basis of this study and in combination with the observation in radio emission, an
interpretation of the mechanism of the occurrence of this event has been proposed. We have noted that
an individual type III burst also can be observed at 13:54-13:58 UT from 500 MHz. Based on 3 days
observation beginning from 31st March 2015, the solar activity is gradual increased. The highest solar
flare can be observed is only a class of M8 flare. There was a CMEs event that directed to the Earth is
detected. From the selected event, although theoretically solar radio burst type III is alternating with
type IV solar burst. This huge explosion generated the M-class flare which can affect the Earth and
satellites. The solar wind velocity recorded is 384.2 km/second while the density of protons is 3.6
protons/cm3. The total magnetic field during this event also quite big which is 4.6nT. The alternating
of solar burst type III and IV would probably depends on the tendencies to form the CMEs event. The
morphology of thermal and non-thermal flare plasma is of particular significance because it holds
many important signatures of the energy release process.
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