Smart systems have momentously changed the traditional methods of animal husbandry as a practice of raising livestock in the domain of agriculture. Productive and competitive animal husbandry are made possible with the use of modern technologies like machine learning models. The modern technologies enable the collection of extensive amount of smart animal husbandry data which can be employed for day-by-day animal measures such as morphological measures, physiological measures, phenological measures and other related measures. This paper dwells on three most important aspects of modern-day smart animal husbandry. First, the paper emphasizes animal measures as big data. Second, it presents all-inclusive practical applications of animal measures in smart animal husbandry. Third, it discusses mainstream machine learning techniques that are employed in smart animal husbandry analysis. By so doing, some of the prevailing challenges and prospective opportunities are identified. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing paper that has reviewed smart animal husbandry as reviewed in this paper considering the applications and techniques that are involved in it in addition to the prevailing challenges and prospective opportunities that are comprehensively identified. The varieties of animal considered in this survey are cattle, goats and pigs.
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