In the present paper, the passive layers’ chemical compositions of AISI 316L austenitic stainless
steel samples after three treatments, such as mechanical/abrasive polishing (MP), standard
electropolishing (EP) and magnetoelectropolishing (MEP) are displayed. For the surface studies after
each treatment, XPS analysis was performed. It has been noted that after MP treatment the Cr/Fe ratio
in the passive layer is the lowest and equals to about 1, whereas after the MEP it is close to 3.
Additionally, it has to be reported that the passive layers after MP consist mainly of Cr2O3 and Fe2O3,
after a standard EP treatment – of CrOOH and FeOOH, and after MEP – of Cr(OH)3 and FeOOH
compounds. Concerning the surface layer compositions, in the passive layer formed after MP the
detected iron consisted partly of Fe0 (46.5 at %) and partly of iron compounds Fe2+ and Fe3+ (53.5 at
%), whereas the detected chromium consisted of Cr0 (16.5 at %) and mostly of chromium compounds
Cr3+ (80.8 at%), with a small amount of Cr6+ (2.7 at %). In case of the nanolayer after EP treatment,
the detected iron consisted of Fe0 (39.5 at %) and iron compounds Fe2+ and Fe3+ (60.5 at %), whereas
the detected chromium consisted in a small amount of Cr0 (6.6 at %), and mostly chromium
compounds Cr3+ (83.8 at %) with some Cr6+ (9.6 at %). The XPS analysis of nanolayer formed on
AISI 316L after MEP indicates that the detected iron consisted partly of Fe0 (27.1 at %) and mostly of
iron compounds Fe2+ and Fe3+ (72.9 at %) whereas the detected chromium contained Cr0
(18 at %) and chromium compounds of Cr3+ (76 at %) and Cr6+ (6 at %).
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( Received 15 January 2016; accepted 28 January 2016
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