Every person has his own data and needs it to be secure, so authentication and acceptance were
found to be essential. Most web based applications are based on password level authentication only.
Since passwords are easily prone to be attacked, a better authentication is needed. The biometrics and
the biometric way of authentication came to existence but this also suffered from the drawback of
excess hardware and complex mechanisms. This paper presents a simple and efficient user
authentication approach based on OTP with four digit pin number. When the user logins into the
system, the login password is matches with database and if they match, the user is identified as a
legitimate user. Further, an OTP is generated and sent to the user. The user enter the OTP along with
four digit pin. If this combined OTP and four digit pin is matched with database, user is authenticated.
Otherwise user is not allowed to access. This achieves better authentication and efficiency. If user
forget their password, recovery phase is available. In this phase user have to answer the query which is
based on the image that is displayed by server. If the answer is matches, then password reset link will
send to user’s mail id. This recovery method is not vulnerable to password resetting attack. This paper
provides different types of password, types of authentication and types of attack.
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