An overview of the function and application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in higher education is presented in this study. It goes over a number of taxonomies that have been put up to classify the various ways that ICTs are being used in higher education, including communication, content delivery, collaboration, assessment, and student assistance. The study presents several viewpoints on ICT use in higher education, with some believing it can improve teaching and learning and others being more dubious about any potential negative effects. Enhanced cooperation, self-directed learning, connecting theory with practice, and accessibility are some of the benefits that have been emphasized. The implementation of ICTs presents a number of challenges, including organizational resistance, educational concerns such as faculty members lacking digital literacy, and technical obstacles. The study discusses how ICT will be used in the future in areas like AI, mobile learning, learning analytics, and virtual/augmented reality. Although these have the potential to revolutionize higher education, it also highlights concerns that must be addressed regarding cost, training requirements, ethics, and access equality. In conclusion, despite its challenges, ICT integration offers chances to enhance accessibility, communication, and the caliber of higher education, all of which help students become more ready for life in the digital age. For its successful deployment, more investigation is required, as well as approaches to get beyond current obstacles.
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