The research aims to analyze the feasibility of Bandung-based CV. Agung Tosakin Group business, based on SWOT, R/C ratio BEP, and Period Payback analyses, and to analyze the sensitivity of the ornamental freshwater fish business as interpreted from the NPV value. The research was conducted from April 2018 to April 2019 at CV Agung Tosakin. The research method used was a case study with a descriptive quantitative analysis. The data used were primary and secondary data. Quantitative analysis was used in calculating Revenue Cost Ratio (R / C), Break Event Point (BEP), and Payback Period (PP). The analytical instrument used was the SWOT analysis. In terms of financial aspects, the expansion of CV. Agung Tosakin’s freshwater fish business is feasible, with a production BEP value of 53,199 fishes, at the price of Rp 3,500 per fish. From the results of the calculation of sensitivity analysis by using a switching value, it is obtained that tolerable technical aspects and survival rate of freshwater fish is 48.98 percent; the limit of the decreases in market demands for the business to be still feasible is 24.82 percent; and the limit of the increases in raw material costs for the business to be still feasible is 51.55 percent.
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