The present research intends to investigate the relationship of psychological hardiness with
irrational beliefs, emotional intelligence and work holism among high school teachers. The sample
includes 100 male and female high school teachers working in schools in Ghorveh city (In IRAN) in
the academic year 2012-2013. To collect data, Kobassa Psychological Hardiness Questionnaire, Jones
Irrational Belief Questionnaire which includes 100 questions, Bar-on questionnaire contains 90
questions about emotional intelligence and Aghabeigi Workaholics Questionnaire was used. To
analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and
inferential statistics (t-test and regression analysis) were used. The findings indicated that there is a
negative and significant relationship between psychological hardiness with irrational beliefs and work
holism. There is also a positive relationship between the psychological hardiness and emotional
intelligence. Furthermore, there is a significant negative relationship between emotional intelligence
with irrational beliefs and work holism. Finally, the results suggest that there is significant difference
between the psychological hardiness, irrational beliefs and work holism of the male and female; and
no significant difference between the emotional intelligence of the men and women sampled.
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