According to the importance of education in the life of each person and that each school or university student faces career decision-making during education and also considering the importance of time perspective in decision-making self-efficacy and academic achievement, the present research was done to examine the relationship between time perspective and career decision self-efficacy and its influence on the academic achievement in students of Isfahan University. This study was a descriptive-correlative one and the research population consisted of students of Isfahan University. A sample of 184 subjects was selected using cluster sampling method. To collect data, participants completed Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) and Taylor and Betz Career Decision-making Self-efficacy Inventory. Academic Achievement was measured through previous semester GPA. The data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 18, by results of correlation and regression analysis. The results indicated that the dimensions of time perspective have significant relationships with self-efficacy and career decision-making and predict them. In addition, there was not a significant relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy and academic achievement.
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