A seasonal study was aimed to examine the diversity and dominance of dragonfly and damselfly in Serampore, Jolkol in Hooghly District, West Bengal was carried out for a period of one year from March 2022 to February 2023, which grouped into monsoon (March to August), post-monsoon (September to November), and winter (December to February) periods. This study emphasizes a checklist of total 29 species of odonata (Dragonflies and Damsepflies). In our study there are two suborders Anisoptera and its family Libellulidae have 19 species, Aeshnidae, Gomphidae, Macromidae have 1 species in each. Other suborder is Zygoptera and it has the family of Coanagrinoidae with 6 species and Platycnenimidae with one species. The two suborder zygoptera and anisoptera the Relative abundance have 75.86% and 24.13% respectively in Serampore, Jolkol. The most abundant species was observed on basis of the results from the abundance formula by using Odonates diversity in the area of Serampore Jolkol. The Shannon diversity index is 2.99 from that result we also conclude evenness index of the odonata in Serampore, Jolkol was 0.103.Simpson diversity index was 0.056 from that result species dominance should be calculated that is 0.944 and the Margalef’s richness index was 4.21. It indicates the high diversity of odonates during the monsoon and post-monsoon periods. Major contributing factors observed for biodiversity include water availability, vegetation cover and abundance of predatory species like mosquitoes during monsoon and post-monsoon period. The degradation of the wetland by human activities are the threat to the odonates along with the biodiversity. Finally, increased education on the importance of using native insect species as first-level indicators of environmental health that can save the nation a lot of money if improved is otherwise used for chemical assessments and environmental wetland monitoring.
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