The enforcement of health and safety in Nigeria is at its developmental stage and this prompts foreign companies to take advantage to operate without due regard for matters relating to health and safety. This study however, is on investigating the level of commitment of high-risk multinational companies towards health and safety issues in Nigeria using a Petroleum Company as case study. The method used in carrying out the research was the ‘typical instance’ case study, which uses the logic of applying the findings of a particular sample to the entire population. In conducting the research, there was a review of certain documents (policy statement, a conducted risk assessment exercise and accident statistics) against the provisions of OHSAS 18001, ILO guidelines and RIDDOR. The findings after the review showed that the policy statement, risk assessment exercise and accident statistics had 40%, 71% and 50% conformance ratings when assessed with their respective comparators (ILO guidelines and OHSAS:18001, OHSAS:18001 and RIDDOR respectively). It was therefore concluded that there was a high level of commitment to health and safety on the part of the Company, based on the available facts. However, it was also recommended that the policy statement be modified to reflect the harmony between a formalized system and the actual happenings and the missing elements in the key performance indicators should be included in the accident statistics document.
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