Effective management of the company is not the result of the trial and error method, but is based on modern-functioning companies on rational management instruments. They include management methods that are well-tried, logical sets of rules and stages used in the processes of managing human teams. The application of a certain management method in practice can not be accidental. Before executing the implementation decision, the management of an economic organization should: carry out a company’s diagnosis in the system: factors influencing the company’s success – management results, analyze whether the managerial staff is a critical element of the company’s development, define a long-term program for improvement of business management systems, select a bunch of management methods adequate to the specifics of the company. After analyzing the above-mentioned tasks, the basic management method and supporting methods should be selected. The basic method should be total, i.e. applicable to all organizational entities. At the same time, at individual management levels, the so-called a free management space within which it is possible to use other partial management methods.
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