The LPDA antenna because it is very suitable and economic amount the types of antennas. It consists of an array of dipoles in which their lengths and spacing are arranged in a log periodic manner, but not all elements in the system are active on a single frequency of operation. The temperature or Antenna Noise Temperature depends on its gain pattern and the thermal environment that it is placed in. We need to design an antenna that can detect the data and monitor the solar burst type III in radio region. It must be sensitive to a broad frequency range and angular distribution of the incident radio pulse and capable to handle the noise issue that is necessary to gain the pure signal. With large instantaneous bandwidths and high spectral resolutions, these instruments will provide increased imaging sensitivity and enable detailed measurements of the dynamic solar burst. For standardized the time, GPS clock is used to control the sampling time of the spectrometer and a tracking controller control the antenna direction. In conclusion, LPDA is the most practical antennas provide general broadband transmission and reception in a wide range of frequency.
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