The author of the article reviewed and analyzed the most important forms and methods of managerial competence improvement. At the beginning of this paper the author has discussed the general issues concerning the functioning of the organization in the modern economy. In the next section of the article the author has presented chosen theories on learning and development of the management staff. The author has also pointed out the elements which cause the formulation of competitive gap. The last part of this paper presents the most important forms and methods of managerial competence improvement with the indication to the most popular and effective ones. The author has also presented the examples of functioning among chosen corporate universities considering selected characteristics. The purpose of the article is to present the forms and the methods of managerial competence improvement. The query literature has been used as the research tool. The analysis can contribute to the streamline of the managerial competence improvement processes in the modern organizations.
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Rakowska. Kompetencje menedżerskie kadry kierowniczej we współczesnych organizacjach, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2007.
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