Iron selenide crystalizes in tetragonal and hexagonal structure with having a lattice constants (a = 3.77 , c = 5.53 ), (a = 3.61 , c = 5.87Å) respectively. It undergoes phase transitions. That is, it can be semiconductor or superconductor with characterization of ferro/ferromagnetic metals. Through the selenization of evaporated iron thin films, iron selenide can be grown as a semiconductor while as a superconductor, triphenylphosphine ( flux is used to synthesis it at low temperature. The spin of an electron leads to the magnetic moment. The spins of electrons moving moving through a material that is not magnetic have a net effect of zero due to their random nature. But when magnetic field are applied to the material, the spins will all be aligned that is spin up or spin down. The understanding the nature of the energy eigen values of these spins in the presence of magnetic field gives one the insight on how they can be tuned for information storage and processing. In this study, the Hulthen-Yukawa potential is used to solve analytically the radial part of the Schrödinger wave equation in D-dimensions of the spins of two-electron interaction of iron selenide in the presence of a magnetic field using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method (NU). The energy eigen value equation and wave function are obtained in D-dimensions. With the aid of Maple software, the numerical energy eigen values and the plot are obtained. From the results obtained, it is observed that as the values of the magnetic field is being increased, the energy eigen values of the spins also increased correspondly.
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