Solar radio burst in the range of 220 – 400 MHz have been correlated with the optical solar prominence phenomena covering the presence sunspot minimum. In combination of the observation in radio emission and the basis of this study, the occurrence of the event has been proposed. The active region of the prominence was AR2407. An individual type III burst was observed at 08:21 UT. The burst lasts for 20 seconds with a drift rate of 4.25 MHz/s. This burst was recorded by the Compound Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory (CALLISTO) at Switzerland. The CALLISTO spectrometer is a spectrometer system that has been installed all around the world to observe the activity of the sun for 24 hours. The activation may be caused by shock waves issuing from prominences and solar flares. The loop prominences can be observed by using the optical telescope and is the initiates points of the following important flare that exist for 6 hours. The active region on the Sun experience the gradual build up of the magnetic field which gives rise to the sunspots, prominences and loops in the corona and produce the powerful outburst explosions.
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