Aimed at achieving employee – based brand equity, internal branding is a new strategy to assure
that employees act in accordance with brand commitment. Since in service organizations, employees
are able to influence over customers’ purchase decisions and conceptions, they play a critical role in
organizational success. Enhancing employee – based brand citizenship behavior by managers can
create a competitive advantage for organization. The purpose of present study is to investigate the
effects of brand leadership styles on employee – based brand citizenship behavior. This is an applied
study and its needed data are gathered by a questionnaire distributed among employees of banks in
Ajabshir City. Among 95 employees, 76 subjects were selected as research sample by random
sampling method in Morgan Table. Pearson correlation coefficient and step-by-step regression were
used to analyze data. Research findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between brand
leadership styles and employee – based brand citizenship behavior.
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