The analysis of variation of electromagnetic wave propagation in the D- and F-layers of the ionosphere has been carried out. It studies both time and spatial variation of propagation of electromagnetic radiation in the D and F region of ionosphere. The most important region in the ionosphere for long distance, high frequency (HF) radio communications is the F region, which is the highest region of the ionosphere, at altitudes greater than 160km (100 miles); it has the greatest concentration of free electrons. The charged particles in the F region consist primarily of neutral atoms split into electrons and charged atoms. The wave equation of electromagnetic waves propagating in the layers of ionosphere was solved by method of separation of variables to get solution. The following parameters were determined; propagation constant, phase constant, and attenuation constant of propagation of Electromagnetic wave (EMW) and the variations of plasma frequency and the refractive index in regions of ionosphere during propagation of EMW. Electromagnetic waves are not completely affected by the ionosphere, but they are able to propagate through it with minimal distortion. This is because electromagnetic waves have a wide range of frequencies which interact with the ionosphere in different ways and shown that the refractive index of a plasma and hence the ionosphere, is frequency-dependent.
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