In the paper, the porous coatings obtained on niobium and two titanium alloys (Ti6Al4V, and
TNZ) after Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO), known also as Micro Arc Oxidation, were studied.
The samples were treated at the voltage of 450 V for 3 minutes in the electrolyte consisting of 300 g
and 600 g of copper nitrate Cu(NO3)2 in 1 litre of concentrated phosphoric acid H3PO4, consecutively.
SEM and EDS studies were performed on the samples. Based on the obtained results it may be
concluded that enriched in copper porous coatings on all studied materials were created in the
electrolyte within copper nitrate amounting for 600 g. The proposed by the Authors factor to evaluate
the obtained coatings, i.e. copper-to-phosphorus ratio, which for the studied materials amounted to
0.21, clearly indicates that the performed electrochemical PEO treatment for surface modification
especially of bioimplants may be advised.
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