Triazolo derivatives: Synthesis and ultrasonic behaviour in DMF and DMSO solutions over a wide range of temperatures
ABSTRACT Ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity of two new triazolo derivatives were measured in DMF and DMSO over a range ...
ABSTRACT Ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity of two new triazolo derivatives were measured in DMF and DMSO over a range ...
ABSTRACT Poly(Ethyleneglycol-400 Maleate) Resin was synthesized and characterized by FT-IR. The physical and acoustical parameters such as Intrinsic viscosity, Acid ...
ABSTRACT Poly(Ethyleneglycol-600 Maleate) Resin was synthesized and characterized by FT-IR. The physical and acoustical parameters such as Intrinsic viscosity, Acid ...
ABSTRACT Some physicochemical properties such as dissociation constant, acoustical parameters and thermal studies of acid are studied in methanol and ...
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