With aid of ‘logistics’ term, we can assume that logistics of production is oriented on planning, organizing, leading and controlling the effective flow of materials and other cooperative elements required in the manufacturing process and respective information, beginning with supply warehouses, through all intermediary production facilities, and ending with warehouses for finished goods and the sales. According to such description of production logistics we can assume, that it does not cope with sole production in terms of performed technological tasks, but is concentrated on the organization of production system in terms of establishing conditions and performance of undisturbed and optimal flow for materials through all production processes. Managing the flow for materials in the production process is generally dependant from manufacturing profile, as well as from the level of organization and concept for company’s management. Production processes are dependant from type of manufacturing organization, what is understood as the level of specialization in the manufacturing cells and related level of stability in the manufacturing process. The purpose of this papers is description of supply chain management as the element of logistics and its functioning in logistic company.
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