The Bali Strait has very high pelagic fish resources, ranging from small pelagic fish to large pelagics, one of which is a type of tuna. Skipjack tuna (Euthynnus sp.) is one of the dominant and high economic value fish resources. The composition of fish catch landed in National Fisheries Port (PPN) Pengambengan in 2014 is dominated by small pelagic fish. The composition of the largest fish catches consists of lemuru, skipjack, mackerel and scad. This study aims to look at the production of skipjack tuna and season distribution for 5 years. This information can be used as an effort to manage fisheries in PPN Pengambengan continuously. This research was carried out in the waters of the Bali Strait with fishing base PPN Pengambengan. The catch of skipjack tuna in Bali is fluctuated every month during 2013 until 2017. The average catch is high in 2014, and the lowest catch was in 2016. This was allegedly due to the catches of previous years namely in 2014 – 2015 skipjack tuna fish resources were overexploited. The catch of skipjack tuna based on the season has the highest value in September – November (transition II (intern-monsoon)) and the lowest is in December-February (northwest season).
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