Clothing Construction, an integral part of Home Economics is concerned with imparting in
students skills in drafting, adaption and sewing of different garments and accessories. These skills which
are taught in a laboratory equipped with equipment and tools which do pose sources of danger to those
involved in the laboratory activities when not properly handled. This study was therefore designed to
identify safety practices that should be adopted by users of this laboratory. Specifically, the study sought
to identify the ideal safety practices important for adoption and also, the safety practices presently
adopted in this laboratory by its users. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. Structured
questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collected was analyzed using mean. Twenty-one
safety practices ideal for adoption, 18 safety practices were presently adopted and 17 safety practices
required for adoption were identified. Based on the findings, the authors recommended that those 17
safety practices should be enforced and the users encouraged to adhere to the safety practices for their
good. The adoption of these safety practices will enable the users work in a safe and conducive
environment which will enhance learning of clothing construction skills
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