In globe, Pyllanthus niruri is a well-established medicinal herb studied by many researchers,
grown widely in many parts of West Bengal. The present study was aimed to predict the acute toxicity
as LC50 in Daphnia magna and Pimephales promelas and rat oral LD50 value as well as Ames
mutagenicity by using QSAR modeling software, T.E.S.T. (Toxicity Estimation Software Tool) for
commonly found phytochemicals in Pyllanthus niruri. In present works, the data were obtained for
LC50, few phytochemicals were toxic to D. magna and P. promelas and also mutagenic but rat oral
LD50 determined less toxic. The present QSAR modeling work is suggesting that more researches
should be required through experimental as well as predictive study with other prescribed software to
know the mechanisms of toxicity and mutagenicity for these combined form of phytochemicals after
separating each natural chemical from extract prior to drugs development for therapeutic usage.
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