Siddha medicine is one the ancient, holistic health management system, being practiced among the Tamil speaking people across the World. This system uses different parts of plants and animals, metals and minerals to treat various diseases. About nine poisonous metals have been regularly used to cure complicated and chronic diseases in which five different mercuric compounds called Panchasootham was commonly used by the Siddhars, Mercury(l) Chloride (CALOMEL) named as “Pooram” is one among the five compounds, specified for numerous diseases in classical Siddha literatures and it has been under practice to till date. Siddhars also have explained in detail about the purification and detoxification process in addition to their poisonous effects. The present study compared two purification methods, one following the Siddhar’s method and the other based on traditional practitioner’s protocol. To evaluate the level of toxicity in Pooram before and after purification between these two methods, analyses were done on their physicochemical and biochemical properties.
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