Different types of organic compounds, which are used in cosmetics from decades. The usage of cosmetic products are mainly by people in office, culture, festival, recreation etc. All of these chemicals are of synthetic origin. The present study aims to predict comparative acute toxicity as LC50 (median lethal concentration) values in Daphnia magna for common types of cosmetic compounds. The predictions of LC50 values were determined by using two QSAR modeling softwares, T.E.S.T. or Toxicity Estimation Software Tool and ECOSAR (Ecological Structure Activity Relationship), for established 23 types of chemicals commonly present in cosmetics. These two softwares help to predict of LC50 values by easy screening. In present result, predictive data with statistical interpretation (R2 or correlation coefficient values) were obtained easily in T.E.S.T. but not in ECOSAR and the statistical data interpretation was not found. Among all these chemicals, it was observed that major compounds are not toxic to D. magna except few chemicals viz. ascorbyl palmitate, triclosan, methyl triclosan and triclocarbon. Further researches are suggested to compare these predicted data with other available 2-dimentional and 3-dimentional softwares and these chemicals should be studied in combinations of cosmetic chemicals with this test model in vivo because they are major food sources for fish in freshwater ecosystem.
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