The modern conditions of globalization processes stipulate to raise the demands for training future specialists. Variability of life situations and conditions of professional activity realization actualize the problem of creating technologies of mastering educational material in universities, which favour both improvement of educational class efficiency in particular, and quality of professional preparation in general. The author has elaborated effective educational classes called studactive, for university students. Implementing such classes into the educational process furthers heightening the level of mastering educational material by students, realization of professional growth in accordance with capabilities and natural abilities of future specialists, formation of personal qualities. The article deals with the problem of elaborating the technology of carrying out such classes. It is proved that such a technology is directed at realization of all stages of a studactive class. The principles which the technology is based on are characterized. It is stated that the technology is orientated at highly efficient preparation of future specialists. The stages of organization of the educational process in class, management of out-of-class work and active educational activity by students, realization of active educational interaction modes which are included into the technology of conducting studactive classes, are researched. The functions and main demands for objective assessment of educational progress of students are analyzed. Along with a wide range of powers for students, collective and individual estimation of future specialists’ activity is introduced. During the control stage a common status for all class participants is created. It is emphasized that the most part of control is held by students rather than teachers. “Mutual control” and “self-control” are outlined. The advantages of the technology of carrying out studactive classes are revealed.
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