The article focus on the phenomena of the ‘radical change’ (transformation) brought by new ICT technologies, associated with the information and communication revolution, both on the level of the collective: bringing disruptive changes within economic, social and cultural sphere, and on the level of the individual, evoking fundamental, yet subtle, changes within our psyche impacting our identity (ies). The multiple scientific discourses, when analyzing the impact of new technologies, usually focus on changes in the economic, social or cultural sphere, defining them within the context of its semantic field (resulting different explanatory models built around different theoretical concepts, together with the accompanying different methodology). The main hypothesis of the ‘radical change’ (transformation) brought by new technologies, usually described in reference to new paradigm change, refers to constantly increasing impact (direct mediation) of ICT technologies in almost all spheres of our lives: social, economical and cultural, but hardly ever discuss the extremely subtle reconfiguration of our psychological space made under the influence of new technologies. As such the article focuses mainly the impact of new technologies upon the psyche and post-modern identity, trying to fully grasp and understand both the visible (direct) and the invisible (subtle) changes, from the perspective of psychological approach, with special reference to Jung’s analytical psychology. The core element (novelty) is the attempt to fully grasp (understand) the phenomena of moving (living) ‘in between’ real and virtual (identity/ environment), mainly from the point view (implications) of psychological as well as philosophical (ontological), not as in majority of cases ( discourses) from the technological, economical, sociological perspective. Cultural anthropology evokes the concept of liminality to denominate the boundaries between two different states: functioning within the existing normative (institutional) governance and stepping outside or aside of it, meaning suspension of the existing norms and standards (and break in or pause within the existing culture). The post-modern individual is somehow forced to move ‘in between’ and experience two different environments simultaneously – the physical environment, embedded in real space and time continuum, where we live at the very moment and digital environment created by new technologies (virtual and/or digital space). As such this continuous transition from reality to virtuality evokes the characteristics (attributes) of the liminal experience. Critical analysis of the defined phenomena implies the need of interdisciplinary approach based on the comparative methodology, both from the point view of theoretical discourses as well as more empirical approach, based mainly on the interdisciplinary approach of Jungian Analytical Psychology, as the outlined theme moves ‘in between’ new technologies, culture (as well as economy or social science) and psychology.
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