The main focus of this paper is to integrate the application of Total Quality Management & Kaizen in improvement of Engineering students. Most Engineering students get depressed when they can’t understand the topics & fail to cut a good figure in the semester final exam as well as there CGPA becomes poor. 80-90% students blame the curriculum & system but it is not easy to change the system rapidly. The irony is, in Bangladesh most of the time is spent to memorize books for good academic performance. The Engineering Education Curriculum is mainly memorizing based. Students have to learn a lot of theory & write them in the exam as given in reference books to get good marks. This system makes students bookish & discourages them from creativity & innovation. The evaluation system in this educational system only represents how much a student spends time for academic studies not the creativity, intelligence, passion & dedication etc. This makes frustrated who are involved in innovative projects, research or contests. Without creativity & innovation it is not possible to advance the science & technology which is the main purpose of Engineering. In this research a structured & detailed process of TQM & Kaizen has been discussed & showed which is suitable to achieve which goal. One is for determining & analyzing problems & another is one of the best process to achieve a satisfactory outcome in academic & professional development process.
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