The growth and prosperity of any nation especially developing countries depend upon the development and effective utilization of human resources because they are the manpower that powers the engine room of the nation. Human capacity development (HCD) is the process of training human expertise for self-reliance, performance improvement and contributions to national and global developments. The basic tool for human resources development is education. Education helps to build personnel who form the driving force of sustainable growth and development. The digital transformation and the shift to Open, distance and e-learning (ODeL) especially post-COVID-19 covid-19 can contribute to human resources efficiency, competency and improved productivity in the workforce. This paper, therefore, made efforts to highlight the concept of open, distance and e-learning (ODeL), the relationship between human capital development and ODeL as well as the transformation roles of ODeL in human capital development in both local and global contexts. This study adopted a qualitative study and a literature review in the interpretive research paradigm. Data was collected from secondary sources, arranged into themes, and analyzed for content by looking at issues historically and holistically. The findings of this study are that ODeL has overcome the barriers of geographical distance, logistical and personal constraints, infrastructural barriers, and social and cultural barriers. This study agrees that ODeL plays a crucial role in the development of human capital and by extension, national development. Suggestions are made on how ODeL will help to improve human capital development for personal, community, national and global development.
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