School relationship with the host community, the parents-teachers association, the school board, school alumni association, education agencies, and state and federal ministries of education is not in doubt due to attendant benefits derivable from such mutual interactions. This paper examined the various organizations and associations the school should interact with and makes necessary recommendations on the way forward. This paper employed content analysis to select related papers from both print and online resources. The research approach looks at issues historically and holistically by addressing specific scenarios that give details when the why, how, and what question is answered. Existing secondary data or empirical evidence was used in this study to present issues. This paper, therefore, surveyed theoretical and conceptual issues about school relationships. In particular, it reviewed previous studies in relevant past literature to highlight the importance of school relationships and the potential benefits to be derived. Findings revealed that cordial relationship among the school, community, stake holders and education agencies play vital roles in supporting smooth running of school system. Thus, it is recommended that school administrators can, based on these types of relationships, evolve a cordial working relationship with the community, government agencies, and school associations targeted at discovering and optimizing areas of interactions, cooperation, responsibilities, and benefits geared towards achieving a high-quality education performance.
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