The philosophical basis of a legal system is the determinant factor of the content and focus of the legislation and judicial decision emanating from the legal system operating within the society. The focus of every legal system should be the pursuit of a society where men’s ambition is actualise within the purview of accepted norms and values guiding the people within the society. The aim of this paper is to examine the concept of morality and law, the intricate relationship between the two concepts and the moral contents in the Nigeria legal system. The methodology adopted is basically doctrinal with the primary source from various legislation and case laws. The secondary source includes articles in journal, internet sources, bible, etc. The paper concludes that there is no distinction between morality and the law but that the two concepts should be seen as complementary to each other in terms of regulating human behaviours. It is also our conclusion that a critical examination of Nigeria legal system through her legislations and judicial decisions is predicated on the basis that law and morality are two sides of the same coin.
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