The history of herbal medicines is as old as human civilization. In recent times there has been a global trend towards herbal medicines. Many of the botanical, chemical techniques employed in pharmacognosy, quality control of crude drug and its pharmaceuticals can be attempted by different methods of evaluation and one of them is morphological and microscopical studies of crude drug. In present study pharmacognostical characterization of Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon. (Verbenaceae) is attempted which is a medicinal shrub with delightful blooms useful for broad array of ailments from fever to snake bite. The study includes microscopic study of young stem, vessel elements, petiole-both qualitative and quantitative characters, leaf architecture, leaf constants like stomatal frequency, index number of epidermal cells, their types, vegetative and floral trichomes and epidermal features as anatomical characters are fixed and hence reliable.
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