Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis also known as Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks own cells of organism and destroys thyroid gland. More precisely lymphocytes accumulates in thyroid. It leads to inflammation and disturbance in its ability to producing hormones. Effects of disease include painless, diffuse enlargement of gland, replacing of parenchyma by a lymphocytic infiltrate and fibrotic reactions- some kind of follicles can be also found. Thyroiditis cause to lose abilities to store iodine by gland. Its lower level of iodoproteins and in turn level of hormones. Increased TSH production and stimulation occurs. Occurrence of diffuse firm goiter (especially in women) in euthyroid or hypothyroid state, increased levels of TG Ab and TPO Ab- this can be strong argument to put diagnosis. Significant morbidity is severe problem of health care system. Genetic and environmental factors are responsible for causation of thyroiditis. In some cases for example large goiter, fast growth, hypothyroidism there is indication for hormonotheraphy. In special cases surgery consideration of surgery in needed. The etiological factors of disease are discussed. Our focus is on the presentation of disease, pathophysiology and diagnostic difficulties with analysis of modern literature.
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