The proposed technique is on dual axis solar tracking system based on fuzzy control. In this proposed research solar panel will move along horizontal as well as along vertical axis according to sun’s daily movement and also follow its seasonal change in axis; motion of the panel will be determined by the fuzzy controller. The proposed technique is such that solar panel actually follows the motion of sun to get maximum power. Problem is the percentage of useful solar energy because it varies with time. Variation in it occurs because as we know sun keeps on moving so its incident radiation is not perpendicular to panel’s surface all along the day. It has been observed that efficiency of solar panel is about 23% -25%. Generally, PV panels are fixed along one direction due to which as the sun moves, the angle of incident insolation varies, decreasing the amount of useful solar radiation and hence could not provide maximum power, there is need of a technique which can be used to solve out this problem.
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