Mathematically illegitimate operational fundamentals of tensor calculus are exposed and shown what they do. Yet tensorial methods are still helpful for handling purely radial physical phenomena, such as those encountered in general relativity, but only in local setting. Tensorial approach is unsatisfactory when applied to partly radial or other than radial (i.e. nonradial) phenomena. But for large-scale phenomena, both local and cosmic, even some radial predictions based on tensorial methods blatantly disagreed with quite unbiased experimental and observed facts. Tensor calculus is fundamentally flawed and had already generated numerous faulty conclusions because it was conceptually compromised, which was done presumably in order to fit the inadequate, as being quite arbitrarily preconceived and espoused by default, formerly unspoken and thus never really challenged, mathematical paradigm of single space reality. This assertion pertains to the abstract operational mathematical reality and to physical reality too. Due to those (operational, conceptual, and even
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