The global drive for renewable energy has intensified interest in geothermal energy, a sustainable resource harnessed from the Earth’s internal heat. Predicting geothermal gradients, which show temperature rises with depth, is essential for geothermal exploration, especially in country like Colombia with obvious volcanic activity. Conventional techniques for estimating geothermal gradients depend on expensive and time-consuming in-situ measurements. This paper proposes HybridSHAP, an intuitive hybrid ensemble learning approach that combines different algorithms such as XGBoost, LightGBM, Random Forest, and CatBoost, to accurately predict geothermal gradients. HybridSHAP integrates sophisticated feature engineering methods and explainable AI, particularly SHAP values, to improve model transparency and comprehend the impact of geological features on predictions. The performance of the model is evaluated using cross-validation metrics, obtaining a high R-squared (R2) value of 0.9525 and low RMSE of 0.00729, highlighting optimal predictive accuracy and generalization. The results obtained by the proposed model demonstrate that features such as elevation, fault types, and free-air anomalies evidently impact the prediction outcomes. The study claims that HybridSHAP efficiently predicts geothermal gradients, providing a practical platform for guiding exploration and optimizing drilling strategies with the ability to transform geothermal exploration and support sustainable energy development.
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