This research aims to determine the effect of replacing fish meal with maggot meal on the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and weight growth of catfish (Clarias gariepinus), as well as determining the best percentage of maggot meal as an alternative ingredient to replace fish meal. 300 catfish (Clarias gariepinus) with an average weight of 4.3 g were reared in 15 hapa units measuring (1m × 1 m × 1 m) with a stocking density of 20 fry which were reared for 40 days. The test feed used in this study was artificial feed with a protein content of 30% with a percentage of substitution of fish meal with maggot meal according to the treatment. There are five maggot flour substitution treatments, namely treatment A (100% : 0%), B (75% : 25%), C (50% : 50%), D (25% : 75%) and E (0%) : 100%). The research method used was an experimental method with an experimental design using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The research results showed that the addition of 50% maggot flour gave the best results, namely with an FCR value of 0,71. Treatment C, a combination of 50% fish meal and maggot meal, had an effect on growth in absolute weight of African catfish, 10.93 ± 1.96. The addition of 100% maggot meal can replace fish meal and African catfish can be given maggot feed because its high fat content can replace some of the protein needed for energy.
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